
Anfy Team mobile:
Anfy Team mobile was opened in 2000 as a department of Anfy Team company.
Two of our games were preinstalled in some of
the first J2ME devices such as the Siemens SL45i, and several others
received the Nokia OK certifications. We passed the requirements
of mobile carriers such as Vodafone, TIM and AT&T, customizing when required.
Fabio Ciucci, the CEO of the
company, was a member of JSR 118 - MIDP 2.0 Expert Group, which
defined the updated Java standard for games in mobile phones.
Slide powerpoint di interventi a conferenze (italian language):
21 Maggio 2002, Java Conference: Sviluppo di giochi Java.
28 Ottobre 2003, MobileFunForum: Pianificazione e Vendita di giochi Java.
23 Novembre 2004, MobileFunForum: Java e Symbian per il mercato mobile.
Interviste (italian language):
30 Maggio 2002, Telefonino.net: Anfy Mobile la realt� italiana del J2ME.
Dicembre 2002, GameProgramming: Intervista a Anfy Mobile.
19 Maggio 2003, Wirelessgaming.it: Intervista a Fabio Ciucci.
Fabio Ciucci, the founder and CEO of Anfy company.
About Anfy Team company:
AnfyTeam is a privately held company incorporated in 1996
in Lucca, Italy to provide Java programming services.
The head quarter office is in Italy, with development labs
in USA, Sweden, Eastern Europe and India.
Anfy Team past work references include:
1997-98: Programming of special effect Java applets for intel.com site.
Customer: Intel Corporation, Santa Clara - CA 95052 (USA)
1999: Java Geoportal Project intranet navigation menu development.
Customer: Ericsson - Texas 75081 (USA)
2000: 3D Java applets for nvidia.com advertising champaign.
Customer: NVIDIA - Santa Clara, CA 95050 (USA)